Building your independent foot care nursing practice?

As a foot care nurse, you want to help people. But before you hit the ground running with your foot care nursing practice, you might need some help creating the policies and procedures that will allow you to build your practice and help your patients safely and effectively.

You’re an amazing nurse and you want to set up your own foot care nursing practice so that you can provide care on your terms.

The thing is, as a nurse, you’ve always been focused on actually providing care to patients, not writing out the rules , instructions and laws that govern this care. You know how to provide great nursing foot care. The only thing standing in the way of setting up your own practice is building the framework on which your whole practice will rest - the policies and procedures.

Look to the future…
You have a successful nursing foot care practice. Why? Because you’re a great nurse. But it’s also because the entire practice is governed by thorough and effective policies and procedures that ensure that everything associated with your practice runs smoothly, safely, and effectively.


Policies and Procedures for Foot Care Nurses

Having consistent policies and procedures allows you to follow the Infection prevention and control (IPC) protective practices that mitigate the risk of transmission of infection. The key to implementing effective IPC in community health care settings is to ensure that all personnel are trained, knowledgeable and skilled in IPC best practices including the safe reprocessing of semi-critical and critical medical devices.

This self-paced online training course provides theory, principles and practical information about developing and maintaining policies and procedures which meet the standards of the legislature and national guidelines

In this course, you’ll learn how to write policies and procedures so that you can build your successful foot care nursing practice.

There are four modules which will cover the content of a policy and procedure manual including how to do reviews. The resources required to develop your manual. As well as a detailed look at the checklists and directives that impact the best practice guidelines for your practice.

This course includes the Medical Device Reprocessing - Community Health Care setting training lessons with an additional lesson for those with specific reprocessing needs for foot care.

The online training course includes a variety of online lessons with audio and visual material as well as a document library with links to relevant PDF reading material and online self-assessment quizzes. Upon conclusion of the online course, and successful completion of course quizzes, participants will receive a record of course completion.

  • Gain an understanding of policy and procedure writing best practices
  • Have a checklist given to you to meet IPAC standards for your policies
  • Easily make it through the seemingly daunting task of writing your policies and procedures in a clear and systematic approach
  • Build a template that can be used to write effective and clear instructions for every part of your business practices
  • Enhance existing practical and hands-on skills to increase efficiency and effectiveness of clinical procedures
  • Understand and apply theory and principles related to decontamination, assembly, sterilization and storage, and distribution in medical device reprocessing as per IPAC guidelines
  • Develop robust procedures to support best practices in patient care quality assurance
  • Know the documents that detail the gold standards of patient safety, occupational health and safety, risk management and the prevention of infections

Course Curriculum

Course Description
Purchase Policy Templates (optional)
Policy and Procedures Writing Guide.pdf
Policy Development Review
Resources for Preventing Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lapses
Investigation Process
Investigations Process Webinar
Investigative Process Original Webinar
Position Statement for Instrument Reprocessing
Guidelines for Foot Care IPAC Position Statement
Checklists For Foot Care Practices
IPAC Checklists for Chiropody and Podiatry
Setting up Your Clinical Office
Reprocessing Set up and Controls
CAFCN Competencies Discussion
Resource List
Foot Care Decision Tree
Quiz: Developing your Policy and Procedure Manual
Learning Objectives

Gain an understanding of policy and procedure writing best practices.

Enhance existing practical and hands on skills to increase efficiency and effectiveness of clinical procedures.

Understand and apply theory and principles related to decontamination, assembly, sterilization and storage, and distribution in medical device reprocessing as per IPAC guidelines.

Develop robust procedures to support best practices in patient care quality assurance.

Research the documents that detail the gold standards of patient safety, occupational health and safety, risk management and the prevention of infections.

With this course, you will get:
4 Modules of content covering theory, principles, and practice
Audio and visual content
Medical Device Reprocessing - Community Health Care Setting training lessons
Policy Review Guide
Resources for Prevention of IPAC (Infection Prevention and Control) Lapses
*NEW* Pandemic Planning section
Document library
Self-assessment quiz
Record of course completion
What Our Graduates Are Saying
Confidential Satisfaction Survey Respondent

I would not change anything, this is my best investment to date, contributing towards continuing education.

Confidential Satisfaction Survey Respondent

I have a learning disability related to a medical condition however, Soft Soles provided accommodations to facilitate my specific learning needs resulting in the successful completion of the Foot Care Nurse Policies and Procedures Course.

Policies and Procedures For Foot Care Nurses

Create the robust policies and procedures based on evidence based practice that you will need to operate your foot Business. *NEW* Pandemic Planning sections.

Your investment in this course will save you countless hours and headaches from trying to navigate the policy writing process on your own. The course can be completed in between 2-4 hours

For just $100.00, you will gain the knowledge and skills you need to effectively write the policies and procedures that will form the base for your entire business.




Enroll now!

Frequently Asked Questions
You’re an amazing nurse, but you're not a policy writer! You love caring for your patients but you’ve never run a business. You have read over IPAC documents, Legal documents, facility directives and still are no closer to starting! Does this sound like you? Are you trying to start your independent foot care nursing practice, but feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the prospect of writing the policies and procedures that govern your new business? If you answered YES to these questions, then Policies and Procedures For Foot Care Nurses is a great course for you. If you’re here, you already know how important and in-demand nursing foot care services are. You want to build your own practice so that you can provide nursing foot care in the way that works best for you and your patients. The only thing standing in your way is creating the policies and procedures that will govern your practice and determine how your practice runs. If you take this course NOW, you will have the tools you need to write your policies and procedures and get your practice running in no time.
Every independent foot care nursing provider needs to have policies and procedures. While you will use and refer to the law and nursing regulations within your policies, your policies and procedures will go beyond the letter of the law and dictate the expectations of how your practice is run. Having effective policies and procedures will reduce practice variability that might lead to substandard care. Effective policies and procedures guide all activities of your practice and keep patients and staff safe.
This course is specifically targeted to policies and procedures for a foot care nursing practice. Beyond vague instructions, this course provides everything you need to know to create specific policies for your foot care nursing practice. This course will tell you how to set up your policies in general and provide specific guidelines for the content of your policy.
Absolutely! You can view all Policy Templates available for purchase here.

Hi, I'm Michelle De Grandmont: RPN, Foot Care Nurse Educator.

I'm a bilingual registered nurse. I have taken advanced diabetic foot care nurse training. My work experience includes over 15 years of experience in gerontology, acute care medicine, diabetes, and holistic healing modalities. I was an educator at Algonquin College, where I developed an innovative and highly successful advanced diabetic foot care program. With the closing of the Algonquin program in 2018, Foot Canada Training partnered with me to lead their Ottawa Foot Care Nurse Clinical courses and advanced skills workshops.

In 2021, I became the Assistant Director of Nursing and am eagerly looking forward to impacting nursing education and curriculum standards. I'm a frequent motivational speaker on best practice adherence in nursing foot care and I work hard to keep the best practices in the community and advancing foot care nursing as a specialty. I'm an advisor for The Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses, where I've worked on the development of the National Foot Care Nurse Competencies Document and The Education Initiative.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
